So I'm just sitting her waiting for my Chicago style frozen BBQ chicken pizza to cook because I'm starving, and I thought I would discuss my plans for NYC this weekend because I am so excited about it. Well my mom won a night in a hotel in Times Square at an auction, so for my bday she gave it to my friends and I. We get to go stay in the Omni Berkshire Place hotel for one night- Sunday to Monday. It's so balling. I'm not going to lie. We're going Sunday morning- I think we'll hit up Central Park for a swan boat ride and carousel ride. Then at 3pm we're going to see Stomp. I have always secretly wanted to see this. I saw River Dance (the Irish dancing show) when I was little and for about 6 months I practiced my Irish dancing in hopes of being as cool as the dancers. Maybe Stomp will inspire me in a similar way. So after that we're hitting up Mars 2112. It's a restaurant that's underground and hardcore decorated like you were in outerspace/on Mars. I have also ALWAYS wanted to go here but never have. It's going to be out of this world. (pun definitely intended). I just hope it isn't TOO geared towards 5 year old children, although I would still fit in. After that we shall go outtttt in NYC. I really want to dress up and be cool...let's be honest. It will feel like a movie...a Mary-Kate and Ashley one. Ok, this pizza needs to hurry up.
Anyways, Monday we may go to Madame Tussauds. I've been to Tussauds in Las Vegas, but Las Vegas sucks, sooo it sucked. This one has got to be better. But seriously, NEVER go to Las Vegas unless you are Elvis or an escort.
Well well that should be fun. I'm really in love with listening to Matt & Kim and MGMT this week. I love the song "Daylight" and I hope the new Bacardi Mojito commercial doesn't ruin it.
I rode 18-20 miles on my bike yesterday. About 10-12 today along Kelly Drive. I was real proud of myself for keeping pace with the Lance Armstrong-wannabe in front of me. This homegirl just has to lose some weight and get in shape. I'm also excited that it's a sport I can do with my momma. She used to kill me trying to get me to run with her, because she is a crazy lady. I could not hate anything more than I do running. It sucks. Especially in the 110 degree heat of Florida in August. But biking is oh so much better...It's fun, not work. And I rode with my mom for about 20+ miles at the beach last week and it was so fun! We are quite a team.
I think I might make coffee too right now. Ew, coffee and BBQ chick pizza. Allie, that's wrong.
I saw a lot of statuses that included "coffee", so whatever.
Welp, my pizza is ready and this blog is so bad, even I'm bored. So ttyl.